Legal document

Acceptable use policy

This acceptable use policy document has been created, managed, and kept up-to-date by Conseno.

Last updated: July 5, 2024

1. Introduction

At Conseno, we are committed to ensuring that our consent and data compliance platform is effective and reliable for everyone. Our customers and partners depend on the functionality of Conseno Services to maintain legal compliance in their operations. To uphold this reliability, it is crucial that all users access and utilize Conseno Services responsibly and in accordance with our guidelines. This Acceptable Use Policy outlines the behaviors considered to be abusive and prohibited when using our Services, serving as a guide to maintain the integrity and effectiveness of our solutions.

2. Definitions

Definitions used in this policy:

  • “Conseno” means Conseno Technology OÜ and its affiliated entities.
  • “Services” means all cloud-based products offered by Conseno, including but not limited to the Conseno consent and data compliance platform, the official Conseno website, the Conseno Help Center, and all related tools, APIs, applications, and services provided by Conseno.

3. Security violations and network abuse

When using Conseno Services, it is imperative that you do not engage in activities that compromise the security or disrupt the network integrity of our services. The following actions are prohibited:

3.1. Disruption of Service availability: Do not engage in activities that negatively impact the uptime or availability of our Services.

3.2. Denial of Service attacks: Avoid any actions that could lead to or pose a risk of a denial of service (DoS) attack affecting our Services.

3.3. Circumvention of security measures: Do not bypass or attempt to bypass any security or access restrictions put in place by Conseno. This includes engaging in activities like security testing, reverse-engineering to discover vulnerabilities, conducting competitive research, or evading filtering capabilities. Authorized bug reporting through proper channels is exempt from this prohibition.

3.4. Creation of security risks: Refrain from any activities that could pose a security or service risk to Conseno or our Services.

3.5. Engagement in malicious activities: Do not send, facilitate, or support cyber-attacks of any kind against any targets.

4. Misuse of Services

Accessing or using Conseno Services in any of the following prohibited ways is strictly forbidden:

4.1. Create multiple accounts: Do not create multiple accounts to circumvent limitations or restrictions imposed by our Services.

4.2. Intellectual property infringement: You must not use, post, distribute, or otherwise engage with Conseno’s intellectual property without authorization. Ensure that all content you use or post does not infringe on the intellectual property rights of Conseno.

4.3. Misrepresentation: Impersonating other individuals or entities, engaging in phishing or spoofing, or misrepresenting your identity or the origin of any content is prohibited. Additionally, you may not create accounts on Conseno Services using temporary or disposable email addresses.

5. Illegal, harmful, hateful activities, or content

It is strictly prohibited to access or use Conseno Services for activities or content that fall into any of the following categories:

5.1. Fraudulent or illegal activity: Do not engage in or facilitate activities that violate any applicable laws or regulations. Ensure all interactions through Conseno Services comply with legal standards.

5.2. Violence: You must not use Conseno Services to threaten, plan, or facilitate violent activities that could result in physical harm to individuals or damage to property.

5.3. Doxing: It is forbidden to harvest, collect, or disseminate personal information about individuals without their explicit consent. Ensure respect for privacy and confidentiality in all your activities using our services.

Conseno Services are intended only for official business entities, not for personal use. Also, Conseno Services may not be used by organizations that publicly advocate, support, or practice discrimination, harassment, or violence. This includes entities with stated goals, principles, or actions that promote such harmful behaviors.

6. Violation of Acceptable Use Policy

If you are found to be using Conseno Services in violation of our Acceptable Use Policy, we reserve the right to investigate and take appropriate action.

Each violation is considered on a case-by-case basis to ensure a fair and measured response. Depending on the severity and nature of the violation, we may first contact you to rectify the issue.

In more severe cases, we may opt to temporarily or permanently suspend or terminate your Conseno account. Such actions may be taken with or without prior notice, based on the circumstances surrounding the violation.

7. Modifications to Acceptable Use Policy

We can make updates to the Conseno Acceptable Use Policy. By continuing to use Conseno Services after the updated date indicated above, you are agreeing to the revised terms. If you do not agree with the modifications, your only option is to stop using Conseno Services immediately.

Please note that this policy may be updated periodically. It is advisable to review this policy regularly to stay informed of any changes.

8. Contact details

If you have any questions or comments about the Acceptable Use Policy, how we collect and use your information, your choices or rights regarding such use, or wish to exercise your rights, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Company: Conseno Technology OÜ
Address: Pärnu maantee 148, 11317, Tallinn, Estonia
Registration number: 14946146