Legal document

Privacy policy

This privacy policy has been created, managed, and kept up-to-date by Conseno.

Last updated: July 23, 2024

Your privacy is taken seriously. This document outlines our practices regarding the collection, use, disclosure, transfer, and storage of your information

1. Introduction

This Privacy Policy outlines the approach of Conseno Technology OÜ (“Conseno,” “we,” “us”) regarding the handling of information about individuals representing subscribers to our services (“You” or “Your”). It applies when you interact with us, subscribe to our services, use our websites or digital services linking to this Policy (collectively referred to as the “Services”).

1.1. Scope of this privacy policy

This document outlines how we process personal data that is either provided to us or collected by us when our potential or existing customers use the Services.

It specifically applies in instances where Conseno acts as the “Controller” of personal data, such as when we collect contract information from our business customers (“Customers”) for billing purposes related to the subscription to our Services.

1.2. Exclusions

This Policy does not cover personal data processing where Conseno functions as a “data processor,” such as when our Customers or their clients or users utilize our Services. For information on how our Customers handle your personal data, please contact them directly, as we do not control our Customers’ data protection practices. If you are a customer seeking information about Conseno’s data processing activities in our role as a data processor, please refer to the Conseno’s Terms of Service and related data protection documents, rather than this Privacy Policy.

1.3. Your Consent

By subscribing to, using our Services, or providing us with your personal data for business use, you consent to the practices and policies outlined in this Policy. If you disagree with any part of this Policy, please refrain from providing personal data to us or from registering for or using the Services where this Policy is referenced.

1.4. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to amend this Policy at any time to reflect changes in legal requirements, our data handling practices, or the features of our Services. We encourage you to review this Policy periodically to stay informed about how we protect your personal data.

1.5. Contact details

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our data protection practices, please contact us. We are committed to protecting your privacy and handling your data transparently and responsibly.

Company: Conseno Technology OÜ
Address: Pärnu maantee 148, 11317, Tallinn, Estonia
Registration number: 14946146

For questions related to personal data protection, privacy, and security, please contact

2. Who does Conseno collect personal data from?

In the context of this Privacy Policy, the definitions of “personal data,” “data subject,” and “processing” align with those established in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The term “You” refers to individuals from whom personal data has been collected in association with a Customer’s subscription to our Services or acquired by us through your engagement with the Services. This includes the personal business contact details of individual representatives of our Customers.

Conseno’s data collection encompasses information that is necessary for establishing and maintaining your subscription to our Services, ensuring effective communication, and enhancing your user experience. By understanding these definitions, you can better appreciate the extent and nature of the data Conseno handles and the rigorous standards we apply to protect your privacy and ensure compliance with GDPR and other relevant data protection laws.

3. What personal data does Conseno collect, share, and on what basis?

This section outlines the various types of personal data Conseno collects. Accessing our general public website and some content may not necessitate providing personal data. However, certain areas of our Service may require us to collect information from or about you, including details about the devices you use to access the Services. If you choose not to provide the necessary personal data or restrict our ability to collect information from your device, it may impact our ability to deliver our Services or affect their functionality.

The processing of your data occurs under one of the following legal bases:

  • Consent: when we process personal data with the consent of the individual involved, Article 6(1)(a) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides the legal foundation.
  • Contractual necessity: if processing personal data is essential for fulfilling a contract to which the individual is a party, or for pre-contractual procedures, the legal basis is Article 6(1)(b) GDPR.
  • Legal obligations: for processing that is required to comply with a legal obligation our company is subject to, we rely on Article 6(1)(c) GDPR as the legal basis.
  • Legitimate interests: where the processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of our company or a third party, and these interests are not overridden by the rights and freedoms of the individual, Article 6(1)(f) GDPR serves as the legal basis.

3.1. Types of personal data collected

3.1.1. Personal contact information

We collect personal information for account creation, subscription registration, newsletter subscriptions, account management, support, and participation in workshops, events, marketing, and promotional activities. This includes your legal name, postal address, email address, online identifiers (such as username and password), account or user name, mobile phone numbers, and social media identifiers (e.g., LinkedIn profile URL). These identifiers are crucial for communication, identification, and interaction purposes.

Legal basis: Legitimate interests in providing requested services or consent for optional activities.

3.1.2. User experience and support information

To enhance our Services’ user experience, we gather data on how you access and utilize our Services, including activity logs, device ID, browser type, network connection, and IP address. This category also covers your purchase history, order details, and payment forms. Interactions with our Services, including support inquiries, may result in the collection of audio, electronic, visual, and sensory information, as well as inferences to create a profile reflecting your preferences and behavior.

Legal basis: Legitimate interests in service optimization or consent for personalized user experiences.

3.1.3. Payment information

Payment processors engaged by us collect payment method information for purchases, including credit card details, bank account information, and financial account types.

Legal basis: Legitimate interests for transaction facilitation or legal obligations for financial record-keeping.

3.1.4. Geolocation information

We collect geolocation data, including IP address, mobile device location, and your country and city, exclusively when you submit information through our web forms on our Services. This collection is contingent upon the settings of your device and browser at the time of form submission.

Legal basis: Legitimate interests for service customization or personalization based on geographical relevance.

3.1.5. Usage information

To enhance the functionality and efficiency of our Services, we employ various web tracking technologies such as cookies and other similar technologies. These technologies help us gather data on how our Services are used. The types of data collected include the IP addresses of websites visited before and after accessing our Services, the browser type used, pages visited within our Services, links clicked, and the interaction with email communications sent by us. Some of this information might be obtained through the use of third-party tracking technologies.

For a detailed understanding of how we utilize tracking technologies, the specific data we collect, and the options available to you regarding these technologies, we invite you to review the following section “How do Conseno use cookies and similar technologies?”, outlined in Section 6 of this document. This section provides comprehensive information on your choices and our practices related to various tracking technologies to ensure transparency and control over your data.

Legal basis: Legitimate interests in website functionality or user consent for non-essential tracking.

3.2. Personal data sharing

3.2.1. Service providers and contractors

We entrust certain personal data to service providers and contractors who assist in operating our Services. This includes entities such as hosting services, IT providers, platforms, internet service providers, data analytics firms, marketing agencies, suppliers, legal and consultancy advisors, payment processors, and organizations that facilitate our operations in areas like identity verification, email distribution, market research, and promotions management. These entities are provided with the necessary information to perform their designated functions on our behalf or for us.

Legal basis: Legitimate interests for operational efficiency or legal obligations for compliance with regulatory requirements.

3.2.2. Legal and law enforcement

We may disclose personal information to law enforcement or regulatory authorities without prior notice to you as required by law or under reasonable discretion if such disclosure is deemed necessary for the following purposes: to investigate, prevent, or address illegal activities, suspected fraud, or potential threats to the safety of any person; to enforce or apply our agreements, protecting our rights, property, or the safety of our users or others; or to establish, exercise, or defend against legal claims. This may involve sharing data with parties involved in legal proceedings and their professional advisors.

Legal basis: Legitimate interests for protecting our operations and users, legal obligations for compliance with laws, or public interest in upholding safety and justice.

3.2.3. Corporate transactions

Your personal data may be shared with financial advisors, legal service providers, investors, and potential purchasers in the context of mergers, acquisitions, sales, financing, or similar corporate transactions involving our business or assets.

Legal basis: Legitimate interests in facilitating corporate transactions or legal obligations related to such activities.

3.2.4. To the public

If you provide testimonials or feedback intended for publication on our Services or as a client testimonial, we may publish your comments along with your name and photo on our Services and in marketing materials. Be aware that any information you publicly post may be accessed, read, collected, and used by others.

Legal basis: Consent for the processing of personal data in the context of publishing testimonials or feedback.

3.2.5. To third parties with Your consent

We may share your personal data with third parties when we have your explicit consent to do so, as required by law. Additionally, we may de-identify, anonymize, or aggregate data in a manner that no longer identifies you before sharing with third parties for legally permitted purposes.

Legal basis: Legitimate interests in leveraging data for broader business purposes or consent for specific data-sharing activities.

3.2.6. Marketing and promotional purposes

We may share your data (email, first name, last name, phone number, etc.) with our service providers, advertisers, partners, and sponsors for marketing, promotions, advertisements, and other commercial communications.

Legal basis: Legitimate interests in conducting marketing activities or consent where you have explicitly agreed to such sharing.

With your explicit consent for marketing and promotional purposes, we may share your personal data with the following service providers:

Service providerData we may sharePurposeService provider policy details
Googleemail address, phone number, first name, last name

Unique identifiers may include, but are not limited to, Google Analytics Client ID (client_id), Google Analytics Session ID (session_id), Google Ads Click IDs (gclid, wbraid, dclid, gbraid)
To improve the accuracy of our marketing and analytics data, including, but not limited to, features such as conversion measurement, Enhanced Conversions, and Customer Match.You can find their policy details on
email address, phone number, first name, last name

Unique identifiers may include, but are not limited to, Meta Browser ID (fbp), Meta Click ID (fbc), Meta Lead ID (lead_id)
To improve the accuracy of our marketing and analytics data, including, but not limited to, features such as conversion measurement, Conversions API, and Custom Audiences.You can find their policy details on
LinkedInemail address, phone number, first name, last name, organization name

Unique identifiers may include, but are not limited to, LinkedIn Ads Click ID (li_fat_id)
To improve the accuracy of our marketing and analytics data, including, but not limited to, features such as conversion measurement, Conversions API, and Matched Audiences.You can find their policy details on
Microsoftemail address, phone number, first name, last name, organization name

Unique identifiers may include, but are not limited to, Microsoft Click ID (MSCLKID)
To improve the accuracy of our marketing and analytics data, including, but not limited to, features such as conversion measurement, Conversions API, Custom Audiences and Customer Match List.You can find their policy details on
Xemail address, phone number, first name, last name, X handles

Unique identifiers may include, but are not limited to, X Click ID (twclid)
To improve the accuracy of our marketing and analytics data, including, but not limited to, features such as conversion measurement, Conversion API and Custom Audiences.You can find their policy details on
Redditemail address, phone number, first name, last name

Unique identifiers may include, but are not limited to, Reddit Click ID (rdt_cid), Reddit UUID
To improve the accuracy of our marketing and analytics data, including, but not limited to, features such as conversion measurement, Conversions API and Custom Audiences.You can find their policy details on
Makeemail address, phone number, first name, last name, organization nameTo integrate and synchronize multiple marketing and analytics platforms and tools with the latest data.You can find their policy details on
ConvertKitemail address, phone number, first name, last name, organization nameTo send product updates, offers, promotions, tips, newsletters, tutorials, event recordings, and more via email.You can find their policy details on

4. How does Conseno collect Your personal data?

We collect Your personal data in a variety of ways.

4.1. Information provided directly by You

Your direct interactions with our Services — such as visiting our website, subscribing, registering through forms, scheduling demos, participating in marketing efforts (surveys, contests, promotions), attending conferences or workshops, or general usage of our Services — serve as primary channels through which we collect your personal data.

4.2. Information obtained from third parties

We receive personal data about you from various third-party sources. These include service providers who assist in developing and maintaining our Services, entities that integrate their services with ours, content providers, partners involved in selling or marketing our products and services, authentication service providers, data brokers, and social media networks, along with their associated widgets. It’s important to note that your interactions with these third-party services, including social media platforms, are subject to the privacy policies of those respective companies, not to this Policy.

4.3. Passive information collection

Our Services use various tracking technologies to gather data that helps us understand how you interact with and use our Services. These technologies play an important role in enhancing your user experience by collecting insights into your service engagement.

Detailed information on our use of these technologies, including the specific types of data collected, is provided in the following section “How do Conseno use cookies and similar technologies?”, outlined in Section 6 of this document.

By accessing or using our Services, you are agreeing to the deployment of these technologies and the collection of data as outlined, ensuring we can continually improve our Services based on user engagement and preferences.

4.4. Data from Your employer

We collect and process personal data related to representatives, such as employees or contractors, of our Customers and business partners, including suppliers, investors, and other entities involved in our business network.

5. Why do Conseno collect Your personal data?

We collect and utilize personal data from or about you for several key purposes:

  • To provide and enhance services: We gather information to deliver and improve our Services and the various digital products available through our platforms. This includes facilitating the integration of services to offer a comprehensive digital experience.
  • Communication: We use your data to communicate with you upon your request or as necessary regarding your purchase, access, or use of our Services. This ensures open and effective communication channels between us.
  • Service interaction: Your information enables us to facilitate your interaction with and utilization of our Services, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.
  • Account security: Collecting personal data helps us manage, authenticate, and promote the security of your account and your usage of our Services. This includes creating, maintaining, customizing, administering, and securing your account.
  • Contractual obligations: We process personal data to enter into, manage, and fulfill our contractual commitments with you or your company, ensuring smooth business operations.
  • Support and transactions: We handle your data to process contact and support requests, complete transactions, and provide necessary information such as purchase confirmations and invoices. This also covers offering customer service and support.
  • Marketing and promotions: With your consent, where required, we inform you about additional features, products, and services offered by us or our third-party partners that may interest you. We respect your communication preferences and comply with applicable laws regarding promotional communications.
  • Diagnosing and repairing service issues: To identify, address, and monitor service and quality problems to ensure optimal performance of our Services.
  • Order and subscription management: Facilitating order processing, downloads, and managing subscription expirations or terminations.
  • Transactional communications: Sending transactional messages, security alerts, updates, and informing you about our privacy practices.
  • Event participation: Managing and promoting your invitation and participation in conferences, workshops, and events we organize, sponsor, or promote.
  • Compliance reports and alerts: Sending you email updates concerning your compliance status. These updates or alerts may include information on compliance checks and identification of new potential risks.
  • Engagement in promotional activities: Encouraging your participation in our surveys, contests, promotions, and sweepstakes to enhance engagement and user experience.
  • Service personalization: Tailoring our Services to your preferences to offer a more personalized experience.
  • Content and reports delivery: Providing content and information that aligns with your interests for a more relevant user experience.
  • Technology configuration: Installing and configuring updates and changes to enhance your interaction with our Services.
  • Handling requests and inquiries: Addressing your requests, complaints, and inquiries promptly and efficiently.
  • Referral program participation: Facilitating your participation in our Referral Program, including processing referrals and contacting potential customers based on referrals.
  • Usage and performance evaluation: Assessing the utilization and performance of our Services and related technologies to improve efficiency and user satisfaction.
  • Quality assurance: Recording phone calls and video meetings for training, quality assurance, and analysis purposes.
  • Financial operations: Managing credit and payment collections, accounting, and other related business functions.
  • Legal and security measures: Complying with legal requirements, protecting the safety, security, and integrity of our Services, investigating and preventing fraudulent activities, unauthorized access, and other illegal actions.
  • Corporate transactions: In the context of sales, mergers, acquisitions, or other corporate events, personal data may be shared or transferred as part of the transaction process.

These actions underscore our commitment to delivering a secure, efficient, and customized service experience while adhering to legal standards and safeguarding the rights and interests of our users and stakeholders.

6. How do Conseno use cookies and similar tracking technologies?

We use various types of tracking technologies to collect information about the ways You interact with and use our Services, to support and enhance features and functionality, to monitor performance, to personalize content and experiences, for marketing and analytics, and for other lawful purposes.

6.1. Overview of web browser cookies and similar tracking technologies

6.1.1. Web browser cookies

These are small text files that a website sends to your computer or mobile device, which are stored by your web browser. Cookies may contain data such as your unique identifiers, your geolocation, and details about the content you interact with on digital services. They are used to remember your preferences and settings, making your online experience smoother and analyzing how you engage with digital services.

6.1.2. Similar tracking technologies

This term includes local storage items, session storage items, 1st party requests, 3rd party requests and other similar technologies.

Emails may use transparent image files or code to track your interaction with them, aiding in analyzing and improving services.

6.2. Use, legal basis, and purpose of web browser cookies and similar tracking technologies

Necessary cookies and similar technologies – Our website uses strictly necessary cookies and similar technologies to enable core functionality such as consent management, security, network management, and accessibility. You may disable these by changing your browser settings, but this may affect how the website functions. The processing of data via these cookies and similar technologies are justified under Article 6(1)(f) GDPR, as they are essential for website navigation and functionality.

Functional cookies and similar technologies – Our website uses functional cookies and similar technologies to help us ensure the website operates smoothly and adapts to your needs for a better browsing and service experience. Upon visiting, website visitors are informed about and must consent to the use of such cookies and similar technologies. These are used under the consent given by the user (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR).

Analytics cookies and similar technologies – Our website uses performance and analytics cookies and similar technologies to help us improve our website by collecting and reporting information on how our website is used without directly identifying anyone. Upon visiting, website visitors are informed about and must consent to the use of such cookies and similar technologies. These are used under the consent given by the user (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR)

Advertising cookies and similar technologies – Our website uses advertising cookies and similar technologies to help us measure the ad performance, improve our ad targeting and show more relevant ads to our website visitors. Upon visiting, website visitors are informed about and must consent to the use of such cookies and similar technologies. These are used under the consent given by the user (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR)

6.3. Control over web browser cookies and similar tracking technologies: storage, objection, and disposal

You, as a user, can control the use of cookies and similar technologies. Browser settings allow you to disable or limit cookie transmission. Existing cookies can be deleted at any time, even automatically. However, disabling cookies may limit the functionality of our website.

This approach ensures transparency in how we collect and use data, aligning with GDPR requirements while aiming to provide a better, more personalized user experience.

Your consent is applicable to the following domains: and all related subdomains.

You also have the option to modify or revoke your consent at any time through the declaration on our consent banner. This can be done by clicking either the “View or change your consent preferences” link provided below or the “Consent preferences” link located in the footer of the page.

When reaching out to us about your consent, please provide your consent record and the date when the consent was given. These details are available on our consent banner.

7. Which technologies Conseno uses for Your sign-in purposes?

7.1. Google Sign-in

We integrate the Google Sign-in Service for user registration or login to the Conseno, offered by Google Ireland Limited, based in Dublin, Ireland. This feature streamlines the registration or login process by directing you to Google, where your existing account data facilitates access. Through this process, the following information may be collected by Google:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Google ID

We receive only your userID in a hashed format, critical for recognizing your privacy preferences within our services. This information is used exclusively to complete your user profile, and we do not access your login credentials.

It’s important to acknowledge that utilizing this service could result in data being transferred to countries without equivalent data protection measures, particularly to Alphabet Inc. in the USA.

For detailed information on Google Sign-in, including privacy and user terms, visit Google’s privacy policy and terms of use pages.

7.2. Microsoft Sign-in

We use the Microsoft Sign-in Service to facilitate user registration or login to Conseno, provided by Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited, with its office located in Dublin, Ireland. This service simplifies the registration or login process by allowing you to use your Microsoft account credentials.
When you opt to sign in or register through Microsoft, you’ll be redirected to their platform. By logging in, you link your Microsoft profile, which may include the following information, to our service:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Microsoft ID

We receive only your userID in a hashed format from Microsoft, essential for recognizing your privacy settings within our platform. This userID is solely used to enhance your profile on our services, and we do not gain access to your Microsoft login credentials.

Please note, the utilization of the Microsoft Sign-in service might involve data transfer to countries outside the EU, potentially to the United States, where Microsoft Corporation is headquartered.

For detailed information on Microsoft Sign-in, including privacy and user terms, visit Microsoft’s privacy policy and terms of use pages.

8. How can You opt out of receiving promotional emails from Us?

If you prefer not to receive promotional emails from us, you have several options to opt-out. You can send a request to be removed from our promotional mailing list or database directly to Additionally, each promotional email we send includes an unsubscribe link in the footer, allowing you to opt out of future communications with ease. By following these steps, you can manage your preferences regarding our promotional messages.

9. Does Conseno collect information relating to children?

Our Services are meant for business customers and are not intended for individuals under the age of 18. We do not knowingly collect personal data from anyone under this age. If you are a parent or legal guardian and believe that your child has provided us with their personal information, please reach out to us at You can also contact us via mail at the address provided in Section 17, “Contact details,” of our Privacy Policy. When reaching out, please label your communication as “Children’s Privacy Inquiry” to ensure it receives the appropriate attention.

10. How does Conseno protect Your personal data?

Conseno commits to implementing reasonable administrative, technical, and operational safeguards to protect your personal data’s security and integrity, adhering to this Policy and relevant laws. However, due to the inherent insecurities of the internet, we cannot assure absolute security for information transmitted online.

Despite our efforts to maintain advanced security protocols, the transmission of data over the internet carries inherent risks, and your personal data could potentially be exposed to third parties under unforeseeable circumstances or cyber attacks.

To mitigate these risks, it’s crucial for you to take proactive measures to secure your account and personal data, including:

  • Choosing and securing passwords: Select strong passwords and protect them diligently to prevent unauthorized access to your account.
  • Device access management: Ensure that access to your devices is restricted, especially those used to sign in to your account or other authenticated areas of our Services. Log off or turn off devices with auto-login features when not in use.
  • Network and application security: Enhance the security of your devices, networks, and any applications connected to or integrated with our Services to guard against unauthorized access.

Conseno strongly advises adopting these precautionary steps alongside our security measures to create a comprehensive defense against potential security threats. Your vigilance in safeguarding your account and personal data complements our efforts to maintain a secure and trustworthy service environment.

11. How long does Conseno store Your personal data?

The retention period for your personal data at Conseno is determined by the specific purposes for which the information is used. We retain your personal data as long as you remain an active account holder or user of our Services, or as necessitated by other business requirements, such as for compliance with tax or legal obligations.

Our policy ensures that your personal data is not kept longer than the law allows, exceeds the limits of our records retention policy, or remains beyond what is necessary for internal reporting, reconciliation, or to respond to your inquiries.

After the termination or deactivation of your account, or following the conclusion of your contact with Conseno, we may keep information you have posted in public areas of the Service. Post-termination of your account or contractual relationship, we may still retain your personal data and other information but will treat it as confidential, in accordance with this Policy and as mandated by law or under the contract terms.

In absence of a specific agreement to the contrary, Conseno reserves the right to delete all your personal data post-termination of your account or contract without further notice.

Information that has been de-identified, aggregated, or anonymized may be retained indefinitely at our discretion.

If you decide to delete your account, please note that deletion may not be immediate, and your information might remain in backup copies for a reasonable timeframe. Once we no longer have a business need to process your personal data, we will either anonymize it, aggregate it, or, if neither is feasible (e.g., data stored in backup archives), securely store and isolate it from further processing until deletion can be achieved.

12. How does Conseno treat third-party links?

Our Services may include links to external websites or digital services that are not under our ownership or control. It’s important to recognize that we do not oversee the content or privacy practices of these third-party sites. As such, any interaction with or provision of personal data to these external sites is conducted at your discretion and risk.

We strongly advise you to carefully read and consider the privacy policies and practices of any third-party sites before sharing your personal data.

Understanding their approaches to privacy is crucial, as we cannot guarantee the security or handling of information you disclose outside our Services.
Please note, this Policy is applicable exclusively to information collected directly by us or by third parties acting specifically on our behalf.

13. How are international transfers of Your personal data managed?

To support our international operations, we may engage with service providers located in third countries — areas outside the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA), and the United Kingdom (UK), where data protection regulations may not be as comprehensive as within these jurisdictions.

In transferring personal data from the EEA, Switzerland, and the UK, we adhere to all relevant legal and regulatory requirements to maintain an adequate level of data protection. Some third countries have been officially recognized by the EEA, Swiss, and UK authorities as providing sufficient data protection, allowing for transfers without additional safeguards.

For countries lacking equivalency in data protection laws to those of the EEA, Switzerland, and the UK, we implement appropriate legal mechanisms, such as the Standard Contractual Clauses (EU) 2021/914 and/or the UK Addendum to these clauses, as mandated by applicable laws. These contracts ensure personal data receives the same level of protection as within the EEA, Switzerland, and the UK.

We are dedicated to upholding the utmost level of data protection for your personal information and continually review and adapt our practices to align with international data transfer laws and standards.

14. What are your data protection rights?

As a user of our Services, you have specific rights regarding the personal data we hold about you. These rights are designed to ensure you have significant control over your information.

Right to information (Article 15 GDPR): You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning you is being processed, and, where that is the case, access to the personal data and information about how it is processed.

Right to deletion (Article 17 GDPR): You can request the deletion of your personal data under certain conditions.

Right to rectification (Article 16 GDPR): If your personal data is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to have it corrected.

Right to restriction of processing (Article 18 GDPR): Under specific circumstances, you have the right to request the restriction of processing your personal data.

Right to data portability (Article 20 GDPR): You have the right to receive a copy of the personal data you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from us.

Right to withdraw consent (Article 7(3) GDPR): Where the processing of your personal data is based on consent, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time.

Right to object (Article 21 GDPR): You have the right to object to certain types of processing of your personal data.

When reaching out to exercise your data protection rights as outlined in this Notice, please follow these guidelines to ensure your request is handled efficiently and securely:

  • Specify your request: Clearly state which right you wish to exercise and relate it to specific personal data, if applicable. If you’re acting on behalf of another individual, please indicate your authority to make the request on their behalf.
  • Verification of identity: To process your request, we need to verify your identity. Please provide sufficient information for this purpose, such as your full name, address, and phone number. If necessary, we may ask for additional details to complete the verification process. Rest assured, any information you provide for verification will only be used for this purpose.
  • Preferred method of communication: Let us know how you would prefer to receive our response to your request. Options may include email, or directly through your Conseno account with us, if available.

Please be aware that in certain circumstances, we may not be able to fulfill your request. For example, granting your request would infringe on the rights of another individual, or if we are legally required to retain your personal data for contractual or legal compliance purposes.
Adhering to these guidelines will help streamline the process and ensure we can accurately and promptly address your data protection rights.

15. How will You be informed about changes to this Privacy Policy?

We reserve the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time. If changes are made to this Privacy Policy, we will post the updates on this page and indicate the date of the latest revision at the top. By continuing to use the Services after any such changes are posted, you accept the modifications.

16. How to access Conseno’s Terms of Service?

For a comprehensive understanding of the guidelines that govern your use of our website and services, we encourage you to review our Terms of Service. This document outlines the rules for using our platform, including disclaimers and limitations of liability. It’s important to familiarize yourself with these terms to ensure a smooth and informed experience on our website.

Additionally, our Data Processing Agreement (DPA) provides detailed information on how we handle and process personal data. The DPA is crucial for understanding our commitments to data protection, the measures we take to safeguard information, and the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved. Together, these documents form the foundation of a transparent and trustworthy relationship between Conseno, our users, and partners.

17. Contact details

If you have any questions or comments about this policy, how we collect and use your information, your choices or rights regarding such use, or wish to exercise your rights, please do not hesitate to contact us at

The entity responsible for data processing in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the data protection laws of EU member states, and other privacy regulations is:

Company: Conseno Technology OÜ
Address: Pärnu maantee 148, 11317, Tallinn, Estonia
Registration number: 14946146